Macdonald | Fernandez LLP


221 Sansome Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
Telephone: (415) 362-0449
Facsimile: (415) 394-5544
914 Thirteenth Street
Modesto, CA 95354
Telephone: (209)549-7949
Facsimile: (209) 236-0172

Bakersfield Bankruptcy Court Closes Temporarily

The U.S. Marshal Service has informed the bankruptcy court that temporary staffing vacancies preclude adequate security for the Bakersfield Bankruptcy Court, and the situation is likely to persist for several months.  Accordingly, the court is closed, all Bakersfield bankruptcy matters will be heard in the Bakersfield Federal Courthouse at 510 19th Street in Bakersfield, California or in the Fresno U.S. Bankruptcy Court.

Judge Lee’s current Bakersfield Calendars are here:  October 2 and October 3.

Judge Clement’s current Bakersfield Calendar is here: September 26.